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Bringing Pets to Saipan

Bringing a pet to Saipan is logistically complicated for a number of reasons.  However, it is not impossible.  If you are considering a 2 year or longer contract, it may be worth bringing your pet.  If you are doing a shorter locums contract, you may want to explore leaving your pet with trusted friends/family and fostering locally through a rescue while here.  One thing to remember is that there is no clinical veterinarian consistently on Saipan, although there is access to some basic care through Saipan Humane society.  



There are limited shipping options to Saipan.  Because United Airlines discontinued their PetSafe program in 2018, the only way to move a pet to Saipan is by charter or in-cabin as a service animal.  


Lisa Meador-Schoppa Animal Travel Agent has charters almost quarterly, and a quote can be requested at  Please note that charter dates are variable depending on demand.  Lisa will book your pet from wherever you are in the US to the charter location (typically SEA, HNL, or LAX), and the charter will fly your pet to Guam.  Your pet will then connect from Guam to Saipan on a smaller airline.  You can also reach out to for another option.



The other challenge is vetting requirements.  Although not officially recognized by the WHO as rabies-free, Saipan is known to be rabies-free and abides by strict import regulations to prevent rabies.  Here are the steps you will need.


Find a local vet who will do health certificates for pet travel and FAVN testing. Explain you are trying to import your dog to Saipan, a rabies-free island. Make an appointment and get the following updated AND documented (you will need documentation for entry permit):


a) Rabies vaccine: Should have a total of two (in lifetime), at least 30 days apart. I recommend getting copies of the rabies vaccine.


b) DHLPP vaccine


c) Treatment for internal parasites - even if fecal negative, the CNMI wants documentation of treatment regardless 


d) Treatment for external parasites: bravecto or other flea/tick preventive


e) Heartworm testing


f) FAVN testing 






Gather your veterinary records and send them to Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) for the entry permit along with your projected travel date.  This should be done no more than 60 days prior to projected flight, because the Entry Permit is only valid for 60 days. Email all documents together so there is no confusion.


 $25 payment by money order can be made to CNMI Treasurer.  You can email a copy to DLNR and bring the check on arrival, or mail the original.


Once a flight date is confirmed, get scheduled for a Health Certificate from your veterinarian within 10 days of travel date.  If Health Certificate is older than 10 days, it is invalid for travel. Plan so that your dog can use the same Health Certificate for entirety of journey + layovers.


To make your life easier, just have all the things above required for entry put on your Health Certificate if the vet is willing to do so.




For further questions, reach out to




Saipan Humane Society

(670) 838-7387: If we do not answer, please WhatsApp


Location: Mayor's Animal Shelter in As Perdido, Saipan


*Note* We are not open daily. Please check our social media for announcements regarding clinic dates.

Winter Friends 2007
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